Gorillaz: A Haunting - Chapter 1: Random Nonscence

This takes place in phase 4 - PS. I am a fucking nonce for writing this >:3

It was days before Murdoc, 2D, Noodle and Russel were evicted from the place they stayed in. Shortly, Russel quickly shrinked back to normal and soon, Murdoc bought a new home somewhere in Oregon. They packed up all there stuff and left.
They ventured within a plane, And soon, It was a normal mansion. They found there rooms and put there stuff on like furniture, TV and food.
"Oh Piss Off" said Murdoc, After he tried to place a popcorn bag, Inside the Microwave he placed in the kitchen.
"What?" replied 2D.
"It's the bloody microwave you nonce".
"That's because you forgot to plug it you douche!".
"Okay, Okay, Thanks you Piece of Shait".
Russel felt uneasy for some reason, But only a little bit. He soon grabbed his iPhone 7, And started playing Candy Crush, this cured his uneasiness. He soon went to grab a sandwich, By grabbing bread, mayonnaise, lettuce, cheesh, and ham on it and went to the living room and saw TV.
Noodle was not so sure of her room. IT LOOKED LIKE LINCOLN LOUD'S ROOM FROM THE LOUD FUCKING HOUSE. She soon put her Godzilla figure from when she was only 10. She unpackaged her box full of old Godzilla and Ultraman figures, Such as Mothra, Rodan, Angurius, Gigan, Destoroyah, Windam, Monsarger and so on. Jesus.
"Oh My, I remember this thing!" she yelled out. She put her figure in a shelf, With her favorite being her Godzilla figure. She proceeded to clean her room, And soon started to play the PS4 in her room. She was playing Overwatch. She was kind of bored.
All of them did not noticed that in the backyard, It lead to a forest, But it also had a shed, In which it had a secret tunnel towards a place, That they were not so sure.
It was 6:30 PM, and it turned dark. Russel went to check the basement, In which it was dirty. There was dirty water, cobwebs and many dirty shit. He found a box, A green lunch box. He went to unlock it, Strangely it had a lock, Which was good, Since a golden key was next.
He opened it and... Jesus.... Christ.......
"What the... Fuck?", whispered Russel.
A severed hand was inside the green lunchbox, And inside was bloody note that read:
Russel questioned who was this "ShrekHead" guy, But ran with the box, Containing the note and the severed hand. He called in everyone in the living room, And everybody was shocked. Soon, They heard noises from beyond the door, to enter the basement.
A roar came from the basement, Similar to a creature. Murdoc did not want to go inside but all 2D, Noodle and Russel pushed him inside and gave him a pistol. Murdoc yelled out abunch of names and soon the creature latched it's clubbed tail, hitting the back of Murdoc's skull, Knocking himout in the process.
2D, Russel dragged him back, Since they left the door opened. Noodle was in fear, As they dragged Murdoc back inside. Murdoc received heavy blows to the head, Resulting him bleeding for about 5 minutes, Since there was a line with his blood coming.
"Wut happened?", Asked Murdoc.
"U got hit by a space beast" answered Noodle.
the creature keped scratching at the door, But Russel knew that that creature had to do with tne note, Which it said that it will either lead up in the shed or forest. But this unleacer. Join us for Part 2.
Russel also found in the green lunchbox, A picture of Murdoc kissing Noodle in the lipz.